Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Bigfoot - Rock Thrower Extraordinaire
A goodly number of BF encounters feature a rock landing in, on or near the witnesses, often in such a manner as to exclude the possibility that any other explanation could account for the event, including that of birds, simple rock slides, bears (C’mon…) or humans pulling a prank. The size of the rocks (read: boulder) is sometimes cited, as well as the distance (sometimes, ostensibly, over a hundred yards) but also mentioned is the exactness of the ‘shot’ as it were, where a BF thrown stone hits someone in the hand, on the leg or smack dab on their tent. This is not easy, especially if it happens late at night, from thick foliage. Imagine Bigfoot with a regulation hardball, in broad daylight with a target as big as homeplate. He’d kill, tossing no-hitters, perhaps literally, out of the park.
Below is a small excerpted list of anecdotes I found online to prime the discussion.
“An object landed within ten feet of us that I know of no human being able to throw it that far. There was one about 10 foot tall. A family group drew in close, three of which got within 15 feet of me. It looked like something out of a Steven Spielberg movie, not human as I know it,” said the man, who has chosen to remain anonymous."
‘Observed: I was out looking for an old abandoned gold mine near Georgetown Lake in Montana to do some prospecting in the summer of 2010. Around 4 pm as I was traveling back down logging road 242 north of the lake, in my FJ Cruiser, a rock came flying through the trees from my right and hit my cruiser’s roof top leaving a sizeable dent in the roof. I saw the rock as it bounced off the roof and fly down the hillside. I immediately stopped thinking some kid or person threw a rock at my truck. As I jumped out of my truck to see who or what threw the rock from up a hillside a large dark creature disappeared up the hill and into the trees. I thought to myself, ‘No way, it couldn’t be.’ But I have the dented roof to prove that what I believe to be a Bigfoot threw the rock.”
Outside of Vancouver, BC, 1960 –
"Some time, maybe 2 or 3 in the morning, Jim and I were awakened by a loud crash in the campsite. Thinking bear, we grabbed our guns and kicked back the tent flap. Nothing. Jim had a flashlight and he turned it on, Earl and Kid were now out of their tent and armed. A boulder about the size and shape of a bowling ball had destroyed our dutch oven and part of the cook box. We stood around trying to sort things out when a second boulder hit Kid and Earl’s tent dead center. It came straight down through the trees. I was standing there, open mouth when both Kid and Jim grabbed me and Earl and drug us deeper into the trees.
Naturally there was a lot of discussion but I won’t relate the tenor of that. We spent the rest of the short night in a circle, back to back, safeties off. From time to time we would hear more rocks hit and once, just once, some sort of strange hooting from the other side of the river.
After good sunup we slowly crept back to camp. One tent was toast as were the cook box and most of the cooking equipment. I counted nine rocks ranging in size from bowling ball to beach ball size. The largest weighted maybe 150-200 pounds."
Fortunately the canoes were undamaged and we quickly pulled up camp and started out. We got to the meat cache that morning and it was gone. Not destroyed, -gone. Totally, 100% gone. No logs, no rope, no meat. No carcass. I have no opinion.
We ran wide open going out and “camped” that night in the canoes in the middle of a lake.
I am certain of only five things regarding that trip:
1-Those rocks were not on the bank where we pitched camp when we pitched camp.
2-They were not carried into our camp, they were thrown.
3-No human being did it.
4-I have no desire to ever again go into that country.
5-I am not a believer or a skeptic. But I don’t exactly discount much of which I don’t understand.
As to the lack of scientific evidence. It is just in recent times we have learned that cacausoids lived in North America as long as 12,000 years ago. If our ancestors had not lived in villages with middens, had they roamed in groups of two or three, we might still not know about Clovis Woman or many of them. (The word 'midden' refers to a very old refuse heaps that contain discarded materials, food remains, bones, etc. Midden is an old English word for a household rubbish dump...)
Try and throw a 150-pound boulder across a 50-foot stream. I saw it done. I don’t know what did it.'
The most famous case of a Bigfoot attack allegedly occurred at a place called Ape Canyon, near Mt.St.Helens, Washington. In 1924, a group of five miners working at the site were besieged by a group of "ape men." One of the miners, a man named Fred Beck, claimed that they sighted a group of Bigfoot high above them on the edge of the canyon.
The miners then spent a terrified night holed up in their cabin, during which the Bigfoot bombarded the cabin with rocks, and, they claimed, even tried to break the door in. The miners couldn't get a good look at the Bigfoot—partly because it was dark and partly because they could only see outside through small cracks in the door and walls.
The incident was cited for years in Bigfoot lore as a classic Bigfoot attack, and the details were exaggerated with each retelling. For example a few dozen fist-size rocks that rained down on the roof and walls became "giant boulders" in some versions of the story. Later research found that the famous Ape Canyon Bigfoot attack was not a hoax — but nor was it real: it was instead a combination of a prank and misperceptions.'
Now as to my own personal experiences with rock-tossing BFs, I can say that it is mostly inconclusive, but feel I should relate one trip back from the Greenwater Lakes trail above the town of Greenwater in Pierce County a few years ago. It is a relatively active area for BF reports and we had done the hike up to the 3 mile mark for a nice lunch near one of the lakes. Back in the car on the way back down the forest service road, the four of us are chatting about dinner when I hear a loud thunk on the body of the Explorer. Nobody said anything, but only paused for a moment. I ascertained that the thunk was far too loud to be a bit of gravel pitched up from the road surface, so back at home I did a cursory search of the truck’s exterior to find a dent on the roof about the size of a quarter coin. What happened? I dunno, but that had to be a difficult target, being a 45 mile an hour SUV rounding the bend of a road surrounded by thick forest canopy. You be the judge.
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