Batsquatch Lives....or Not

Thumbing through George Knapp’s ‘Skinwalker’ stories, Knapp touches on the idea when he describes both a Bigfoot type creature and a very large, strange looking Wolf that seemed to come out of nowhere.
Nowhere indeed, and this describes a parallel universe, or at least some other level of existence that these weirdies might come from, traipsing through a portal of a temporal nature to scare the bejeezus out anyone unfortunate enough to see it.
One such report comes from my own backyard.
It’s a special story because I’ve never heard one exactly like it, and for that reason alone it should be suspected of being a false, hoaxed story. But the details are so well described that it’s still worth reading.
Batsquatch, a new sort of critter of apparent, very mixed parentage was seen April 23, 1994, by one Brian Canfield, who was driving his truck just outside of Buckley, Washington in the foothills near Mt. Rainier. Canfield described the thing he almost hit with his vehicle as a nine-foot-tall "Bigfoot-type creature," with blue-tinted fur, wings, tufted ears, bird-like claw feet, and a face like a wolf but without fangs, although its white teeth were very visible. The creature's eyes "were yellow and shaped like a piece of pie with pupils like a half- moon."
Now this is a description worthy of picture. And here it is:
Nice, huh? Look at the build on this guy. He looks like Batman and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s love child, after he fell into a vat of blueberry yogurt, and he’s clearly not happy about it.
Where did Batsquatch come from (and perhaps more importantly, where might he be going?).
My brother and I think that the ‘veil’ between dimensions is not just a bit ‘thin’ in some places, but is becoming thinner in many places, possibly as a result of the over-burgeoning human population and our proclivity for screwing up the planet.
This theory explains the plethora of ‘Alien Messages’ about this very subject, going as far back as ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ (‘Earthman, your planet will be reduced to a burning cinder unless you change your ways.’), as well as numerous Bigfoot contactees who report the same message, also from your standard, average old Angelic messengers.
With a thinning veil between our world and whatever world these oddballs come from, we should expect more and more of these reports, and though it hasn’t stopped me from driving a big gas-guzzler SUV yet, I do think more about my carbon footprint and try to recycle stuff. It’s a start, and maybe if Batsquatch could just come on TV to make a few public appearances, more people would get on the enviromental bandwagon, in a hurry.
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